Tuesday, February 26, 2008

CRaPPy Days opposed to good days.

Today is a crappy day, exhausted from lack of sleep, work, & thinking about how to squeeze everything into one day, my inexplicit ability to try and shove everything into one day, badminton, scrapbooking, housework, kids, homework, work, knitting, reading, family, myself, reading up an article in the next mag... a life coach,, mmmm yup then you have to include the cost into your day.. no wonder people go off the deep end, loose the plot, make themselves depressed, the modern age is so full of stuff yes stuff we must do, take me back to the days, when just living was difficult, when we had to wash our clothes by hand, when eating food was grown out of our own gardens, . When playing didn't involve x box, playstation or computers, when smoking was ok, when eating flour was ok... life is too damn complicated... then there is those like my ex husband gf with cancer, my life seems so easy in comparison.

Just a little time, to make the day mine
Just a little time, to hang the washing on the line
Just a little time, to read a book alone.

Find a moment, share it needlessly with a friend
Find a moment, kiss your husband/wife and make amends
Find a moment, praise the kids for the little things

Wasted time... on housework always there
Wasted time... argueing about nothing
Wasted time... watching mindless tv.

Take the time to write it down
How to make your smile fill a day
To grab a laugh and have a little time to play
To hug yr children even they get down
See those wrinkles they are created by the way
By the laughter you care to share every day.


1 comment:

Lee said...

I hate crappy days! Usually I have them once a month! I think of those whose lives are way more stressful and complicated than mine too, to help me refocus on the positive, but damnit sometimes it just has to be crappy, no matter how easy it should be. Love your poem :o)